For information on the Course Conditions - please check the Astbury Golf Club Website 'Course Status' information notice. This is updated daily throughout the winter months and posted to the website at 7:00am approximately.
Click here to see the Course Drone Fly Bys
If you want to book a Tee Time you can also call the pro shop on 01260273950 option 2.
For Visitors
Visitors welcome during the weekdays Monday to Friday. Please check Online Bookings for all tee time availability and last minute discounts; including some weekend late afternoon availability. But do check Online Bookings for last minute bargains.
See the Green Fees page for current rates.
For Societies
Thursday is the preferred time for societies and is kept free from club competitions.
To arrange please call the AGC office on 01260-273950 Option 1 or The Pro Shop Option 2.